Printable books


The Islamic Faith: A simplified presentation

Ahmed ibn Abd Alrahman Alqadi

This is a short whose author has endeavored to present to us what the Prophet and his companions maintained in the most serious area of faith, which is the area of beliefs. He also explains the ideas of deviant groups, so that everyone has a clear idea. 


Every Religious Innovation is a Means of Misguidance

Abd Ar-Rahman bin Abd Alkareem Ash-Sheha

This book handles the issue of bid’ah (innovation in Islam) through the following points: (1) Categories of people who practice innovations (2) Satan’s attempts to destroy the son of Adam through seven phases (3) Completion of Islam (4) What is bid’ah? (5) The stance of Shari’ah regarding religious innovations (6) Statements of scholars who condemned bid’ah practices (7) Proofs used by some to support their devious practices (8) Reasons for spreading bid’ah (9) Prerequisites for acceptance of good deeds (10) Dangers of bid’ah.


Athan (The Islamic Call to Prayer)

Osoul Center

The Athan

The call of God, the Great, the Self-Exalted that is repeated to listeners five times - during day and night - so that it may enter their hearts, speak to their souls about its meanings and details, and take the soul from inattention to awareness, from darkness to total light in this life and in the Hereafter, and from clear loss to success and truimph...

An introductory booklet on the rite of the Athan, published by Osoul Center. 



Osoulstore offers a variety of books that are relevant to Muslims , new Muslims and non-Muslims.


How Islam Deals with Disasters and Pandemics?

Sherrif Al Kassimi

A brief outlook into the underlying reasons why disasters and pandemics occur, the tips the Islamic faith has recommended that help prevent the spread of illnesses and viruses and the measures one must take when ill.



The Key to Understanding Islam

Abd Ar-Rahman bin Abd Alkareem Ash-Sheha

The Key to Understanding Islam

This book explains that Islam is a code of living that covers all aspects of life. It comprises a set of acts of worship: some verbal, some practical and others that are constituents of belief. All of them play important roles in placing morality on a solid foundation and in strengthening the good qualities in people so that they are keen to follow the right path, ensuring social unity and strengthening bonds within the community.The book cites many examples and speaks about the importance Islam attaches to knowledge. It mentions a number of recent scientific discoveries that the Qur'an referred to fourteen centuries ago.


The book is available in three formats: Interactive Multi-touch iBook, eBook (PDF, EPUB) and Audiobook.