Let the Bible Speaks

The author said in the beginning, "After reading the Bible carefully and completely, I found it containing the following texts: (1) False texts abusing the attributes of God (2) False texts abusing the prophets, falsely accusing them of adultery, fornication and idol-worshipping (3) Obscene tales full of graphic physical details (4) Strange stories, such as the story of the trees that called for an election among all trees to select the president among them. Still there are many who know nothing about these things. The reason may be: (1) The mere length of the Biblical, more than 3000 pages, which makes it difficult for most people to read (2) The fact that many Christian do not read the Bible but claim it only as a matter of tradition (3) The activities of priests who only read to people what they choose for them to know.

Lăsaţi Biblia să vorbească!

Biblia, cartea sfântă a creştinilor, conţine anumite lucruri mai puţin cunoscute acestora, după cum urmează: texte false cu privire la Atributele lui Dumnezeu, texte false cu privire la Profeţi, pe care îi acuză în mod eronat de anumite acţiuni ilicite, poveşti bizare etc. Cu toate acestea, mulţi creştini nu cunosc foarte multe detalii pe care Biblia le cuprinde, fie din neştiinţă, fie din cauza anumitor preoţi care aleg să ascundă adevărul. De aceea, această carte îşi propune să aducă la lumină o serie de versete bliblice controversate, prin intermediul cărora, cu voia lui Allah, cât mai multe inimi să fie luminate.

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