Printable books


Un día con tu amado, el Profeta, la paz y las bendiciones de Al-lah sean con él

Ayman Abanmi

Un día con tu amado, el Profeta, la paz y las bendiciones de Al-lah sean con él, es un libro que nos habla acerca de sus caracteristicas físicas y de su guía en el diario vivir: al despertar, al hacer la ablución, la oración, las invocaciones de la mañana y de la tarde, al comer y beber, al vestir, al caminar y montar, su interacción con las personas, su hogar y su descanso.


Một ngày cùng với vị Sứ Giả kính yêu của bạn

Ayman Abanmi


Một ngày cùng với vị Sứ Giả kính yêu của bạn  

Miêu tả đặc điểm ngoại hình của Thiên Sứ , sự hướng dẫn của Người khi thức giấc, trong cách lấy nước Wudu, đứng dâng lễ nguyện Salah và sự hướng dẫn của Người về những lời tụng niệm sáng, chiều, cách ăn uống, ăn mặc, cách đi đứng, con vật cưỡi, và cách cư xử với mọi người, nhà cửa và giấc ngủ của Người.


A day with your Beloved one (Peace Be Upon Him)

Ayman Abanmi

To place the love of any human being ahead of the love of His Messenger, Prophet Muhammad, is to forfeit one’s faith altogether. The Prophet says: ‘None of you truly attains to faith unless I am dearer to him than his parents, children and all mankind’. [Related by al-Bukhari]


A day with your Beloved one (Peace Be Upon Him)

Ayman Abanmi
116pages 00:00:00

كتاب”ایك دن اپنے محبوب (ﷺ)كے ساتھ  “  آپ ﷺكےاخلاق كریمانہ  پرروشنی ڈالتی ہے ، اور ساتھ ہی نیند سے بیداری ، وضو ، قیام ، نماز ، صبح وشام كے اذكار ، كھانے پینے، لباس و پوشاك ، اورپیدل و سواری پرچلنے ،لوگوں كے ساتھ آپ كے برتاؤ  اور آپ كے اندرون خانہ اور آپ  كی نیند وغیرہ كی جانب مكمل رہنمائی فرماتی ہے ۔


The Children's Questions about Faith

Abdullah Arrakf

This book is directed to Muslim parents devoted in teaching faith to their children in the times of globalization and unlimited access through technology to all that is confusing and/or contradictory to the Islamic faith.

This book is divided into two sections, the first section provides parents with the most important faith related information they need to teach their kids. The second part provides parents with ways to respond to questions children might ask about faith. Both sections complement one another.


A day with your Beloved one (Peace Be Upon Him)

Ayman Abanmi

To place the love of any human being ahead of the love of His Messenger, Prophet Muhammad, is to forfeit one’s faith altogether. The Prophet says: ‘None of you truly attains to faith unless I am dearer to him than his parents, children and all mankind’. [Related by al-Bukhari].


Selections from the Sunnah (80 Hadeeth of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH)

Muhammad Murteda bin Aaish Muhammad

This book has been published by Osoul Center and it talks about the selections from the Sunnah (80 Hadeeth of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH)



The Key to Understanding Islam

Abd Ar-Rahman bin Abd Alkareem Ash-Sheha
110pages 02:25:00

The Key to Understanding Islam

This book explains that Islam is a code of living that covers all aspects of life. It comprises a set of acts of worship: some verbal, some practical and others that are constituents of belief. All of them play important roles in placing morality on a solid foundation and in strengthening the good qualities in people so that they are keen to follow the right path, ensuring social unity and strengthening bonds within the community.The book cites many examples and speaks about the importance Islam attaches to knowledge. It mentions a number of recent scientific discoveries that the Qur'an referred to fourteen centuries ago.


The book is available in three formats: Interactive Multi-touch iBook, eBook (PDF, EPUB) and Audiobook.


Muhammad Pocket Guide

Osoul Center
350pages 02:51:00

Muhammad Pocket Guide is one of the most comprehensive and summarized pictorial books about the prophet of Islam Muhammad (peace be upon him). It provides a broad biography and summarized information about Muhammad such as his character and personal details. In addition, it provides a broad overview about his teachings and main events in his life.


Booklet 1: Muhammad The Messenger of Allah

Abd Ar-Rahman bin Abd Alkareem Ash-Sheha
47pages 00:26:24


In order to publish the biography of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and to facilitate the readers better understanding about his life, we offer these booklets.

These booklets consist of seven series of publications based on a book titled Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah. Each booklet covers an aspect of the Prophet’s life, deeds and teachings, and aims to provide a better understanding of Islam.


This booklet is the first in a series of publications based on a book titled Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah. Each booklet covers an aspect of the Prophet’s life, deeds and teachings, and aims to provide a better understanding of Islam.


Booklet 2: Muhammad The Messenger of Allah

Abd Ar-Rahman bin Abd Alkareem Ash-Sheha
39pages 00:23:02

In order to publish the biography of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and to facilitate the readers better understanding about his life, we offer these booklets. 

These booklets consist of seven series of publications based on a book titled Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah. Each booklet covers an aspect of the Prophet’s life, deeds and teachings, and aims to provide a better understanding of Islam.


This book is the second in a series of publications based on a book titled Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah. Each booklet covers an aspect of the Prophet’slife, deedsandteach- ings, andaimstoprovideabet- ter understanding of Islam.




Booklet 3: Muhammad The Messenger of Allah

Abd Ar-Rahman bin Abd Alkareem Ash-Sheha
69pages 00:41:50

In order to publish the biography of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and to facilitate the readers better understanding about his life, we offer these booklets. 

These booklets consist of seven series of publications based on a book titled Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah. Each booklet covers an aspect of the Prophet’s life, deeds and teachings, and aims to provide a better understanding of Islam.


This booklet is the third in a series of publications based on a book titled Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah. Each booklet covers an aspect of the Prophet’s life, deeds and teachings, and aims to provide a better understanding of Muhammad’s (Peace Be Upon HIm) life and Islamic values. 



Booklet 4: Muhammad The Messenger of Allah

Abd Ar-Rahman bin Abd Alkareem Ash-Sheha
40pages 00:22:11

In order to publish the biography of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and to facilitate the readers better understanding about his life, we offer these booklets. 

These booklets consist of seven series of publications based on a book titled Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah. Each booklet covers an aspect of the Prophet’s life, deeds and teachings, and aims to provide a better understanding of Islam.


This booklet is the fourth in a series of publications based on a book titled Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah. Each booklet covers an aspect of the Prophet’s life, deeds and teachings and aims to provide a better understanding of Islam.


Booklet 5: Muhammad The Messenger of Allah

Abd Ar-Rahman bin Abd Alkareem Ash-Sheha
53pages 00:35:25

In order to publish the biography of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and to facilitate the readers better understanding about his life, we offer these booklets. 

These booklets consist of seven series of publications based on a book titled Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah. Each booklet covers an aspect of the Prophet’s life, deeds and teachings, and aims to provide a better understanding of Islam.


This booklet is the fifth in a series of publications based on a book titled Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah. Each booklet covers an aspect of the Prophet’s life, deeds and teachings and aims to provide a better understanding of Islam.


Booklet 6: Muhammad The Messenger of Allah

Abd Ar-Rahman bin Abd Alkareem Ash-Sheha
50pages 00:27:19

In order to publish the biography of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and to facilitate the readers better understanding about his life, we offer these booklets. 

These booklets consist of seven series of publications based on a book titled Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah. Each booklet covers an aspect of the Prophet’s life, deeds and teachings, and aims to provide a better understanding of Islam.


This booklet is the sixth in a series of publications based on a book titled Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah. Each booklet covers an aspect of the Prophet’s life, deeds and teachings and aims to provide a better understanding of Islam.


Booklet 7: Muhammad The Messenger of Allah

Abd Ar-Rahman bin Abd Alkareem Ash-Sheha
30pages 00:17:55

In order to publish the biography of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and to facilitate the readers better understanding about his life, we offer these booklets. 

These booklets consist of seven series of publications based on a book titled Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah. Each booklet covers an aspect of the Prophet’s life, deeds and teachings, and aims to provide a better understanding of Islam.


This booklet is the seventh in a series of publications based on a book titled, Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah. Each booklet covers an aspect of the Prophet’s life, deeds and teachings and aims to provide a better understanding of Islam. This booklet also includes the conclusion of the substantive argument in this series about the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) .


The messenger of God Muhammad

Abd Ar-Rahman bin Abd Alkareem Ash-Sheha

This book focuses on the biography of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and his humble life.This book covers an aspect of the Prophet’s life, deeds and teachings, and aims to provide a better understanding of Muhammad’s (Peace Be Upon Him) life and Islamic values. 


Glad Tidings

Abd Ar-Rahman bin Abd Alkareem Ash-Sheha

The author wanted to show the reality and essence of Islam to remove the veil from the eyes of those who believe that Islam is only the religion of Arabs.The book also sheds light on the characteristics of Islam and its merits.


The purity

Abd Ar-Rahman bin Abd Alkareem Ash-Sheha

This book explains the concept of purification and that under Islam it is not limited to personal and physical purity but includes purifying oneself of sin and all disobedience of God. The book then discusses the detailed rules of physical purification.


The path to happiness

Abd Ar-Rahman bin Abd Alkareem Ash-Sheha

This book addresses an important subject, the only way to achieve true happiness is Islam and call for the faith in Allah and His angels, His Books, His Messengers, the Last Day, and destiny.